U-Pick Know Before You Go: Information and Rules

We have two main varieties of berries and a mixed-variety section.

Our berries are mostly highbush varieties, which can grow quite tall. Some can even get up to about 10 ft! It’s fun to find the shady spots within the tall bushes while picking on hot days. Our two main types of Blueberries are called Concord and Jersey Blueberries. All of our berries are excellent for eating, baking, and freezing!

Farm Map

What to bring:

  1. Your appointment will include a 1 gallon bucket which holds up to around 6 pounds of blueberries. Outside buckets are not permitted, with the exception that children can bring small buckets/translucent containers. We can also provide extra metal buckets to borrow if you have multiple people in your group. All berries picked must fit into the gallon bucket when finished picking.

  2. Bring your smart phone to purchase extra buckets if you decide that you want more berries or want to stay longer, so you can pay with a QR code or on our Website.

  3. We encourage you to bring a water bottle; it can get hot out there!

What to Wear:

  1. Though we are continually working to restore the farm there still can be blackberry stalks in the fields. To avoid scratches, long sleeves and pants with closed-toed shoes are recommended.

  2. Hats are great for sun protection and remember to wear sunscreen if needed.

  3. Insect repellent can also be helpful.

While Berry Picking:

  1. Please only pick in your designated blueberry picking area (there will be signs posted).

  2. While we are not a “certified organic” farm, we actually don’t use any chemicals (pesticides or herbicides) on our Blueberry bushes. This means there will be insects around! Remember that spiders are our friends because they keep the pest bugs off the berries! Last year we also saw more of the reddish/orange Soldier Beetles around the bushes. They do not bite or sting, and are important pollinators. They love to eat aphids and fruit flies, so they are another beneficial bug that helps to keep bugs off the berries!

  3. Pick the bluest berries you can find! (Harder/Reddish ones may get slightly bluer after picked, but they don’t actually ripen more and will never get as sweet as a dark blue berry.) Soft berries are the ripest and generally the sweetest! If you want smoothies, jam, or baked goods like pie or muffins the softer berries work great. Firmer berries are great for eating fresh.

  4. Picking by putting your hand under the clump of berries and tickling them into your bucket ensures you get the sweetest ripe berries!

  5. Please educate your children to not pick the green (or red) berries so there are plenty of berries for the next pickers.

  6. Keep an eye on the little ones and keep them in your row.

  7. Any extra berries you pick can be frozen and taste great on their own, in smoothies, cupcakes, pancakes, yogurt, and more throughout the year.

General Rules:

  1. The farm is a work in progress. There are some uneven areas so please wear shoes that protect your feet, and keep an eye on where you're walking.

  2. No running in the fields, you could trip due to any uneven ground or stray foliage.

  3. There is a creek crossing the front (North side) of the property which runs along the East side of the farm, so please watch your step and stay on the obvious foot paths.

  4. Wandering around the farm is prohibited. The back (South) fields, the forested area, the beehives area, and the buildings are all off limits unless you have permission from the owners or their representatives.

  5. Please dispose of any trash in our garbage cans near the checkout tent.

  6. Please recycle your clean cans and uncapped water bottles in the blue container provided. No napkins, food wrappers, straws, or dirty containers, please.

  7. No smoking is allowed on the farm.

  8. We are a working farm. Be aware of and keep away from all tools and farm machinery.

  9. Well behaved dogs on a short leash with owners who can control them and clean up after them are welcome on the farm. We reserve the right to ask any dog to be removed if needed. Please ensure your dog stays in your designated row. Please do not leave your dog in your car while you are picking.

  10. Pearson’s Bees and Berries LLC reserves the right to ask anyone to leave at any time for any reason.

  11. Be safe, have fun!

Blueberries Starting to appear in May!

Blueberries starting to appear in May!